Join us July 27th from 11am-4pm for the AKA-SF Squid Games (and our annual summer picnic). This family friendly event will be at Lindley Meadow in Golden Gate Park. We have reserved tables 3&4 and will be firing up the grill! Bring a dish to share and be ready for some friendly competition 😈. Register here or the link below. Hope to see you there!
Hi AKA-SF Community!
We are excited to host Saturday’s summer Squid Games Picnic at Lindley Meadow in Golden Gate Park and hope you are equally excited to be in community with us! Before tomorrow’s happenings, we wanted to push out a few important communications so that folks know what to expect, where to be, and what to bring. We know that many will be coming and going at different times, so please be aware of the following:
- Picnic runs from 11 AM – 4 PM
- AKA-SF will be providing tacos (sorry we didn’t do Korean but we were looking for easy finger foods!) and the food should arrive by 11:30ish
- Squid Games will start promptly at 1 PM after lunch for those who wish to participate
- Bottle of water (we will have some bottled water but we encourage folks to also bring their own)
- Picnic blanket, chairs, loungers, etc.
- Whatever you signed up for on the RSVP sheet
- A coat if you are cold natured (high tomorrow will be 61)
- Your game face